





Formula: ☐(NaCa)(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2
Inosilicate (chain silicate), winchite group, amphibole mineral
Specific gravity: 2.97 to 3.175 measured, 3/02 calculated
Hardness: 5 to 6
Streak: Pale blue-grey
Colour: Cobalt-blue to violet-blue, lavender-grey, grey, colourless
Common impurities: Ti,Mn,Na,K

Metamorphic environments

Winchite occurs in schists with low-grade metamorphosed manganese deposits; in metamorphically-altered basalts of the blueschist facies and amphibolite-eclogite facies; and in manganiferous cherts that have undergone blueschist facies metamorphism (HOM).


The type locality was stated as the Kajlidongri mine, Madhya Pradesh, India, but an extensive search for winchite by microprobe anlyses of violet amphiboles obtained from there failed to identify any sodic calcic amphiboles and none is near to the end-member composition of winchite. It is suggested, but not conclusively proved, that the original analysis of winchite was in error (AM 66.625-631).

At Ward Creek [1], Cazadero, Coast Range, Sonoma county, California, USA, winchite is associated with actinolite, glaucophane, albite and quartz (HOM).

At El Valle del Espiritu Santo, Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela, winchite is associated with omphacite, garnet, rutile, quartz, actinolite, epidote, albite, titanite and apatite (HOM).

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