





Formula: Cu4Al2(CO3)(OH)12.2H2O
Hydrated carbonate containing hydroxyl, cyanotrichite group, copper mineral. There is no evidence for solid solution between cyanotrichite and carbonatecyanotrichite (AM 47.635-648).
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.66 measured
Hardness: 2
Colour: Pale blue
Solubility: Soluble in acids with effervescence

Hydrothermal environments

Carbonatecyanotrichite is a rare secondary mineral in the oxidized zone of copper-bearing deposits, occurring as a weathering product of sulphides (HOM, Webmin).

At Menzies Bay, Canada, carbonatecyanotrichite is associated with volborthite, tangeite, malachite, brochantite and langite (HOM).

At Qinglong, Guizhou, China, carbonatecyanotrichite has been found in a few specimens, associated with fluorite (Minrec 38.1.15).

At the type locality, the Balasauskandyk V Deposit, Shieli, Kyzylorda Region, Kazakhstan, carbonatecyanotrichite has been found on cleavage surfaces and cavities in weathered vanadium-rich shale with gypsum, variscite, volborthite, malachite, aurichalcite, pseudomalachite, spangolite, gibbsite, allophane and azurite (Dana, HOM). It is formed later than alunite, jarosite, brochantite, and phosphates and vanadates of aluminium and iron, and before azurite, malachite and spangolite (AM 49.441).

At the Wedding Cave Mine, Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham, Wales, UK, carbonatecyanotrichite occurs in the underground workings forming crusts covering areas to 5 cm2 of sandstone wall-rock, where it is a secondary mineral in association with secondary lead minerals, including anglesite, cerussite and linarite. It may be of post-mining origin (MW).

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