





Formula: (Na☐)Nb2Na3Ti(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2(H2O)4
Sorosilicate (Si2O7 groups), lamprophyllite group, niobium- and titanium- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Triclinic
Specific gravity: 2.65 to 2.89 measured, 2.987 calculated
Hardness: 2½ to 3
Streak: White
Colour: White, yellowish grey, pinkish beige, tan, silver on {001}
Common impurities: Al,Ta,Fe,Mn,Mg,Ca,K,F,P

Plutonic igneous environments
Hydrothermal environments

Epistolite is a low temperature mineral in alkalic pegmatites, albitites, sodalite xenoliths and hydrothermal veins. It is a rare mineral of nepheline syenite massifs. Associated minerals include aegirine, albite, murmanite, sphalerite, manganoan pectolite, neptunite, steenstrupine, rinkite, sodalite, eudialyte and nenadkevichite (HOM, Dana).
Epistolite alters to nenadkevichite, gerasimovskite and other minerals (Dana). It forms syntactic intergrowths with murmanite (CM 43: 973-987).


At the Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Quebec, Canada, some epistolite may be an alteration product of vuonnemite (Dana).

At the type locality, Nunarssuatsiaq, Tunulliarfik Fjord, Ilímaussaq complex, Kujalleq, Greenland, epistolite occurs in a nepheline syenite pegmatite (Dana). It forms silvery plates associated with aegirine, albite, murmanite, sphalerite, neptunite, steenstrupine-(Ce), sodalite, eudialyte and nenadkevichite (Mindat).

At the Malyi Punkaruaiv Mountain, Lovozersky District, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, punkaruaivite is found within an ussingiteaegirinemicrocline vein in nepheline syenite, in association with anglesite, belovite-(Ce), chkalovite, epididymite, epistolite, eudialyte, ferronordite-(Ce), karnasurtite-(Ce), lamprophyllite, lorenzenite, manganoneptunite, manganonordite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), murmanite, natrolite, pectolite, rhabdophane-(Ce), steenstrupine-( Ce), tainiolite, tugtupite and vitusite-(Ce) (CM 48.1.41–50).

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